Emma Blake is an award-winning entrepreneur and founder of Mind Body Soul Wellness. Emma is our 2020 AusMumpreneur NSW-ACT Making a Difference (Health & Well being) Silver Award winner.

Emma is driven by a deep passion to guide women to creating a deeper connection to their Mind, Body & Soul. Through healing from her past and stepping in to cause of her life, Emma has been able to create the life she chooses. Emma is now committed to passing on her own learnings and her knowledge to serve and support all women who have felt enough pain, felt unworthy and are ready to create the life they know they deserve and want.

When did you start your business?

I started my coaching business part time in 2016 and stepped fully into my business in October 2020.

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

I have always had a passion for helping others since I was a child and felt called to create space for me to help others in a holistic way just like I have been over the years by my coach whom I still work with.

What are you most excited about in your business?

I am so excited for the amazing workshops and programs that I am creating to help women across the globe in person and online.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

Jumping all in with limited financial resources.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and back you 100%. And surround yourself with like minded entrepreneurs in the same industry as you for support.

Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?

I was nominated by a client.

What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?

I loved how, even though they were held online, that there was still a great vibe like we were all there in the same room.

What surprised you most about the awards?

That I was a finalist in 2 categories and that I won the Silver award in the “People’s Choice for Making A Difference in Health & Wellness.”

How did the awards help you in your business?

The awards helped to connect with other Mumpreneurs.

What advice would you give to others mums thinking about entering the awards?

Entering the awards is a no brainer as you’re not only entering an awards you are also becoming a part of a community..

What’s happening next in your business? Any big plans for the future?

I have now been expanding my business full time for 6mths and so much has happened in those 6mths and I am so excited for what the next 6mths brings.

To learn more about Mind Body Soul Wellness, please visit the website, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.

All images featured here are from Emma Blake.

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