Kat Lynn, founder of Foodie Shots was our 2020 AusMumpreneur QLD-NT Creative Arts gold award winner.
Kat is a food and product photographer and owner of Foodie Shots. Foodie Shots is much more than photography. Yes, Foodie Shots is about showcasing foodie products on the world stage but we also help businesses to learn how to take their own photos for social media in their Highfields studio. The studio was built during COVID lockdown in March 2020 and is a testament to the drive Kat has and cements her vision for the future. Also Foodie Shots creates spaces for local producers, businesses and foodie lovers to be involved in cooking experiences. Kat is often quoted,”when we come together to cook and share a meal, we are connecting on such a deeper level and we are honouring the food we eat”
When did you start your business?
Foodie Shots was born in May 2019 however Kat has been in the photography business since 2016.
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
Whenever I was a photographer at events or weddings I would gravitate towards the details, food and the kitchen. I was finding I was really enjoying the challenges that food and product photography create. There is a science behind it but more importantly the challenge is getting the emotion of that product across in a photo so it connects with the viewer. The pleasure in hearing someone say, ‘gee that makes me hungry’ is wonderful.
What are you most excited about in your business?
I get really excited when businesses are surprised how good their product looks. There is a new sense of pride and they can see the potential for an even brighter future. Helping other businesses to shine is my ultimate goal.
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
I transitioned from full time corporate world into full time self employed world and the imposter syndrome was real. The fear of not bringing in a regular wage. The fear of being judged. It was a huge learning curve and one that I am truly grateful for. The other thing is the number of hats a small business owner must wear. There comes a point where you have to start delegating otherwise you literally go insane and start double booking yourself and missing clients.
What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
Surround yourself with a strong network of people who not only cheers for you but also provides a space to grow and test things out. Starting out in business you are bound to do things the wrong way. If you can build your network before going into full time self employment I would strongly suggest this. Being able to ask questions and get in contact with people who can help you is a huge asset. It is one I use everyday and it is a fantastic way to help other local businesses grow as well.
Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?
I was nominated and thought it would be a great exercise to build the business knowledge. I was able to fast track many of Foodie Shots systems and processes because of the application process. It helped me to document many of the business documents required such as SWOT, Business Plan, Goals, Avatars etc.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?
The community of strong likeminded women who many I aspire to. I loved meeting so many new businesses and many have continued to be good friends.
What surprised you most about the awards?
That I won! Seriously I was pretty chuffed I was a finalist and the calibre of the businesses in my category was so high. Being in my first 12 months of business and winning my category was like unreal. To this day when I hear another business say they are just starting out and they are not ready for awards I tell them to give it a go. It isn’t the winning the award that is the true gift it is the people you meet and the lessons in the whole process.
How did the awards help you in your business?
I found it gave me credibility. Personally it provided me that assurance that I am on the right track, I can do this. In the business world it has provided a voice. Being heard is important in this noisy world.
What advice would you give to others mums thinking about entering the awards?
JUST DO IT. Hopefully this year we can have it in person and get to meet more people face to face. It certainly opens up so many opportunities. But it means you need to put in as well. Push yourself out of the comfort zone and never think you are not worth it.
What has been the best thing about starting your own business?
The flexibility to be with my family as it needs it and also the ability to be part of a bigger picture in my community of foodies.
What’s happening next in your business?
We are expanding and including a Communications manager.
We have just received confirmation our logo and icon are now registered trademarks.
We have increased our cooking experiences.
We are developing collaborations with other businesses to help build each other out of COVID.
I have been asked to be an advisor on a Chamber of Commerce Food and Agri Advisory Group.
Looking at building a relationship with a well known food stylist and create magic!
What are your big plans for the future?
Foodie Shots is one of our photography businesses so our focus is to build this business to $100+k per year with a goal set for FY21/22. Then build the other two photography businesses to $100+k each over the following two years.
We are looking to gain exposure in National Magazines such as Gourmet Traveller and Delicious.
I want to reinstate my overseas foodie retreats once we can travel safely again.
We have accomplished working with National brands this year so next is working with International Food brands.
To learn more about Foodie Shots, please visit their website, Facebook or Instagram.
Nominations open Monday 3 May 2021.
AusMumpreneur Awards Nights 8-10 September 2021
Conference and Awards Presentation 14-16 September 2021.
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