My husband and I have been married for the past 20 years. During these years I had a variety of jobs, completed an Associate Degree in Policing and was a NSW Police officer for ten years. Unfortunately my husband and I have suffered & endured ten miscarriages before moving up from Sydney eleven years ago. After defying the odds we now have three beautiful, amazing children aged 11, 9 & 6. From early ages all three children were diagnosed with Autism and each have a high level of needs. On top of having rare, incurable and painful syndromes and other medical conditions I recently found out I also have Autism which I now believe has greatly assisted me in being a more understanding mother and in being able to meet my children’s needs.

When did you start your business?

The idea was bouncing around in my head for quite awhile. As it formed more I continually jotted/wrote it down so that I could explain it to whoever I needed to as the process went along. I found an App Development Company at the end of 2020. After a very long journey Unique StarShine App officially launched October 2022

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

My three incredibly amazing, beautiful, talented, miraculous children.

What are you most excited about in your business?

Producing a brand-new App that will assist people to enhance their lives and give them back some time and energy to be able to focus on more important things in life. The Unique StarShine App allows you to store important document/reports/files/photos/videos in a virtual filing cabinet in your back pocket to access anywhere and anytime allowing you to share these with your support network and specialists all in the one safe place. The App also enables you to make appointments, share via newsfeed, instant messages and group chat messages sharing information.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

Having a great new idea/concept is one thing but trying to put it all into action was a huge mountain I needed to climb. Initially in the beginning I didn’t know anyone that could assist me with the process and so I fumbled my way through as best I could. This was a huge learning experience both good and bad especially when you put your trust in someone and they betray you. As a result this was very detrimental to my business and to my family.
On other occasions I was given the incorrect advice by professionals and so I had to try and undo what was done and do it the correct way.
Unfortunately in this world there are very few people whom you can trust and who aren’t just in it for themselves and their own personal gain. So putting your Faith and TRUST in people was a huge challenge for me especially after a few bad experiences.
That being said, it is so refreshing when you meet someone who genuinely wants to help, gives you pearls of wisdom and inspire you to be the best you can be.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

Be careful who you trust. There are a lot of untrustworthy people who may take advantage of your vulnerability, your kindness and your excited enthusiastic attitude about your idea/dreams.
Know what you are good at and what challenges you. Get people in your life to help you with things you are not strong in.
Be open to learning, growing and developing in areas you least expect. Get ready to stretch yourself.
Put your walking shoes on as you will need to go the extra miles at times. It can be very lonely and tough, but in the long run it is totally worth it.

Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?

I attended my first Expo in Melbourne to promote my business and was asked to be a panel speaker. During this experience I met another beautiful business woman who was both encouraging and inspirational. A day later I received an email informing me that I had been nominated by this amazing woman to be in the AusMumpreneur Awards. Her belief in me and Unique StarShine and what I was wanting to achieve encouraged me to continue my journey. As a result I attended the whole AusMumpreneur Conference & Awards night where I was a Finalist in two categories. I was very surprised and felt completely honoured to be awarded the winner for the “Digital Innovation” Award. The whole experience has completely changed my life.

What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?

The feeling of support and encouragement from new friends I had made during the Conference. And the overall “feeling” and atmosphere that was evident in the room – filled with so many talented, inspirational, courageously, strong women all cheering each other on.

What surprised you most about the awards?

Being Autistic, just getting to the AusMumpreneur Conference was a mission and a real challenge all on its own.
However the support and encouragement I felt from surrounding women who were already successful in their fields was both incredible and refreshing. Making connections with people I never expected to and how down to earth and approachable most people were that attended.

How did the awards help you in your business?

Helped me feel more confident and inspired to keep pursuing my dream. In regards to the award “helping” the business – I am still yet to see this come to fruition as it has only been a short time.

What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?

Go for it. Believe in yourself and what you have created. You never know if you don’t try.
At the end of the day (award or not) – to be a mum and an entrepreneur…you are already a champion.

What has been the best thing about starting your own business?

Putting my dreams on paper and then watching them come to life. Knowing that it was my creative brain and determination, courage and persistence that made it all come to life. I feel very proud and humbled that others have felt it is also a great idea.

What’s happening next in your business?

Gain momentum and finances and then add afew other technical ideas (some of which have not been invented yet). Start other social interactions – blog, YouTube channel.

What are your big plans for the future?

Unique StarShine App was the 1st idea/piece to my business puzzle.
I also have at least 2x more “pieces” (business ideas) of the puzzle to create. Two great adventures/ideas that have not been invented or thought of in the world (as of yet) – that I intend to design, create and build that will assist, enable and empower people with a disability.
I would also like the opportunity to be an inspirational speaker to inspire and help disabled people to feel encouraged, valued, appreciated and of worth…because they are!!
I am also completely committed in changing and opening people’s mindsets and how they see and treat people with a disability.
Disabled people are incredible, valuable, worthy of respect, love and deserve to feel this every day!

What is your website and/or social media links?

LinkedIn: Jewels Harrison – Unique StarShine Pty Ltd