Deepa Mani is a distinguished artistic director and entrepreneur, recognised for her contributions toBharathanatyam through Chandralaya School of Dance and the beauty industry with POC Beauty. With adeep passion for preserving traditional arts and celebrating diverse beauty, Deepa blends her expertise indance and cosmetics to offer transformative experiences and products. Her commitment to culturalexcellence and inclusive beauty empowers and inspires, bridging the gap between tradition andcontemporary expression.

When did you start your business?

Chandralaya in 2018 and POC Beauty in 2023

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

Chandralaya School of Dance was founded as a tribute to my late mother, for whom the school isnamed. Inspired by the rich tradition of Indian Classical – Bharathanatyam, the school’s creation is deeplyrooted in a desire to preserve and pass on this classical art form to future generations. My parents andgurus bestowed this cultural heritage upon me, and I felt a deep responsibility to share it with the world,ensuring that the tradition remains vibrant and accessible. Chandralaya is not just a dance school, but acelebration of cultural legacy and artistic expression.

What are you most excited about in your business?

What excites me most about my business is witnessing the transformative journey of my students.Seeing them grow not just as dancers, but as confident, expressive individuals who connect deeply withtheir cultural heritage is incredibly fulfilling. I love the process of curating performances that challenge andexpand their abilities while fostering a sense of community. Additionally, the opportunity to innovate withinthe traditional framework of Bharathanatyam, creating new and relevant artistic works, keeps me inspiredand energised. It’s a joy to contribute to both preserving and evolving this beautiful art form in a diversecountry.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

One of the most challenging aspects of starting my business, Chandralaya School of Dance, wasbalancing tradition with innovation. Establishing a dance school rooted in the classical art form ofBharathanatyam required staying true to its rich cultural heritage while also making it accessible andrelevant to modern audiences, especially in a multicultural setting like Australia. Additionally, managingthe logistics of running a school—building a student base, handling administrative duties, and maintaininghigh artistic standards—was a significant challenge, especially while balancing my personal commitmentsand other professional pursuits.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

My advice to other women thinking about starting a business is to trust your intuition and embrace thejourney with resilience and determination. It’s important to have a clear vision of what you want toachieve, but also be adaptable and open to learning along the way. Surround yourself with a supportivenetwork of mentors, peers, and advisors who understand your goals. Remember that setbacks are part ofthe process, and they help you grow. Stay true to your values, focus on what makes your businessunique, and don’t be afraid to push boundaries and break barriers.

Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?

I entered the AusMumpreneur Awards to celebrate and showcase the journey of building a businessthat blends my passions for culture, art, and empowerment. These awards offer a platform to not onlyrecognise the hard work and dedication that goes into entrepreneurship but also to connect with acommunity of like-minded women who are balancing motherhood and business. I wanted to share mystory, inspire others, and highlight the importance of representation and diversity in business spaces,particularly for women of colour. It’s also a great opportunity to reflect on how far I’ve come and what’spossible in the future.

What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?

What I enjoyed the most about being part of the AusMumpreneur Awards was the incredible sense ofcommunity and inspiration. Connecting with so many talented, resilient women who are pursuing theirdreams while managing the demands of motherhood was truly uplifting. The opportunity to share my ownjourney and hear the stories of other remarkable women from diverse backgrounds was empowering. Ialso appreciated the recognition of hard work and passion that often goes unnoticed in the day-to-daygrind of running a business. Being part of such an encouraging network was both motivating and deeplyrewarding.

What surprised you most about the awards?

What surprised me most about the AusMumpreneur Awards was the depth of support and camaraderieamong the participants. I expected it to be competitive, but instead, I found a welcoming and upliftingcommunity. The genuine encouragement from fellow nominees, the willingness to share advice, and thecelebration of each other’s achievements were truly heartwarming. It was also surprising how much theawards showcased the diverse range of businesses run by mums across Australia, highlighting thecreativity and resilience of women entrepreneurs in ways I hadn’t fully anticipated.

How did the awards help you in your business?

The AusMumpreneur Awards provided significant exposure for my business, opening doors to newopportunities and networks that I hadn’t accessed before. Being part of the awards helped elevate theprofile of my business within the broader community and gave me a platform to showcase what we do ona larger scale. It also built credibility, instilling greater confidence in both current and potential clients.Additionally, the connections and support from other inspiring business women I met through the awardshave been invaluable, providing a strong network of encouragement and collaboration.

What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?

Go for it! Don’t underestimate the impact of your story and business can have. The process itself is awonderful opportunity for self-reflection, and it helps you see how far you’ve come. Be proud of yourachievements, no matter how big or small, and use the platform to connect with other like-mindedentrepreneurs. The community you become a part of is incredibly supportive, and the recognition canopen doors that you might not expect. It’s a great way to gain confidence and celebrate your journey.

What has been the best thing about starting your own business?

The best thing about starting my own business has been the freedom to shape my vision and createsomething meaningful from the ground up. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see my passion come to life, and toknow that I am making an impact, whether through teaching dance or empowering people through mybeauty brand. Being able to set my own goals, push boundaries, and connect with amazing communitieshas been rewarding. Watching my students grow and helping others embrace their own beauty makesevery challenge worthwhile.

What’s happening next in your business?

Launching my second business inspired from my first business – POC (Proud of Colour) Beauty( is a skincare and cosmetic range dedicated to celebrating andenhancing diverse skin tones. Our products are thoughtfully crafted to address the unique needs ofdifferent skin types, ensuring radiant and healthy skin.

What are your big plans for the future?

We’re currently in the midst of an exciting tour for our latest commission,TOUCH, and preparing todive into the studio for the next chapter:TOUCH IGNITED. This upcoming project promises a captivatingfusion of Ballet and Bharathanatyam, blending the elegance of Western classical dance with the intricateartistry of Indian tradition. We’re eager to explore new dimensions and push creative boundaries with thisinnovative combination, offering audiences a fresh and dynamic dance experience.