Emily Mitchell is here to disrupt the motherhood narrative and shift the focus from the baby to the mother because she is born alongside her baby and needs to be held just as tight. Founder of Motherhood Milestones, a multi award winning business, Emily creates heartfelt cards without the hallmark cliches that honour the reality of motherhood and create space for supportive and honest conversations. A keen advocate, Emily has also partnered with government to create resources and programs for new mums to support their introduction to motherhood.
When did you start your business?
Motherhood Milestones was born in November 2022, just before my sons second birthday, and my second anniversary as a mother.
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
The night before my sons first birthday I was in the kitchen baking and decorating him a cake and I was stressed to say the least. Nothing was cooperating and the mental load of his birthday party was all on me. I wanted everything to be perfect because that’s how I thought I was meant to be as a mother. At the party the next day as we were sitting around the table and everyone was singing my son happy birthday I thought it was nice but I also wondered why I wasn’t being celebrated just as much. I wondered if all mums felt like this and decided to do something about it so the first card I created was one for a mum on her kids birthday because it is her birth-day too.
What are you most excited about in your business?
he future!! My business is evolving into such exciting spaces. I have completed my Reiki training and I am currently working through the Mama Rising ICF recognised certification which will qualify me to support mothers as they transition into motherhood and journey through matrescence. My product range is expanding and the opportunities to support mothers are growing every day.
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
Feeling resistance towards growing my business whether that stems from fear, motivation or lack of time. It’s easy to stay still in the comfortable but nothing expansive comes from staying in that space.
What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
Listen to your gut and trust your intuition. By cultivating a deep sense of connection with ourselves we will know the next right step forward. While it’s important to have people around that support you, seeking external validation or answers will only get you so far. Be sure to honour yourself and your journey throughout your business development, whatever that looks like to you.
Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?
When I was nominated, it gave me the confidence to go for it and throughout the application process I reflected on my business, what it stands for and what I have achieved and that gave me the proof that I was worthy of winning! Such a valuable exercise.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?
Meeting new and likeminded businesswomen. Being a solopreneur can be lonely sometimes so to be immersed in a world of inspiring women was such an uplifting experience.
What surprised you most about the awards?
It shouldn’t have but I was genuinely blown away by how many mums are doing ridiculously incredible things in business and in life. It was inspiring to hear so many incredible stories and perspectives. It was an eye opening and heart opening experience and that is invaluable.
How did the awards help you in your business?
Winning an award gave my business further credibility and the exposure post awards has been incredible in reaching new audiences and spreading my message. The support and opportunities from the Ausmumpreneur team have been incredible!
What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?
Go for it – doing the application process alone is worthwhile as you reflect on your growth and achievements. You deserve to celebrate yourself and be celebrated so why not give it a shot?
What has been the best thing about starting your own business?
Having a place to funnel my passion and uncover my purpose. I’ve also really enjoyed building a network of supportive women who have my back and are always available to sense check things. This business and my advocacy work is my legacy and it’s important to me that I leave the world better than I found it, especially for my children.
What’s happening next in your business?
Learning, building, growing. I am committed to exploring new opportunities to support mothers whatever that looks like. A big focus for me moving forward is developing and rolling out a postpartum program for mothers in partnership with the NSW Government.
What are your big plans for the future?
I want to create a holistic service using different modalities and products that supports mothers through their motherhood journey. I want mothers to know their worth and value and I want the focus of the conversation to change from the baby to the mother. I’m working to get people to understand that a mothers wellness is paramount because it creates generational wellness in her family and community. If mothers are supported, everyone is supported.
What is your website and/or social media links?
You can connect with me at www.motherhoodmilestones.com and on Facebook and Instagram – @motherhoodmilestones