Leeli & Co is a global design, sourcing, and consultancy company specialsing in jewellery, hair accessories and also now venturing into many other product categories (Soft goods, craft, homeware, belts, bags etc). With a flexible, global workforce and a deep commitment to excellence, we deliver tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of brands worldwide including creating and leading new brands, representing you at trade fairs and worldwide meetings, consulting, sourcing and much more!
I also have my own handmade jewellery brand called Leeli Design where I let my creativity loose.
When did you start your business?
I registered as a sole trader in 2016 and freelanced for a variety of brands and suppliers. Then in 2022 I registered my company ready for expansion.
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
I have always wanted to have my own business from when I was a little girl. My parents encouraged this too and were always surprised I didn’t start sooner. The reason for not starting sooner is because I was given so many amazing opportunities with my work (traveling to and living in a variety of countries including China, India, Australia, the USA). It was always hard to stop this to start on my own. In 2015 I was made redundant and so a few months later, once visas were sorted and I was feeling up for the challenge, I registered to be a sole trader
What are you most excited about in your business?
The opportunities and growth are limitless! I have so many ideas of what I want to achieve over the coming years and it’s exciting to see the business really start to grow. When I decide on something and put my mind to it, it starts to happen! Super exciting
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
To start with, it was trying to have a routine and make my husband understand that although I was at home, I was working. He would often ask me to help him for 5 mins but it would always be 10-15mins. He used to get upset when I said no but now (after 8 years) he realises why I say this and can appreciate where I am coming from.
What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
If you are able to work part time for a company and have a regular income, and then work on your business the other part of the time, this will make your own business feel way less stressful to start with. I would also recommend networking wherever you can. Sign yourself up to Ausmumpreneur or My Mummys and you will be surrounded by like minded, incredible mums in business who are able to help guide you with no judgment. I also highly recommend a business coach even if you don’t think you can afford one. It’s amazing how quickly your business can grow with the right support and direction!
Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?
My business coach suggested it! I have actually never thought about it or realised I could enter any! Since entering and coming third I feel slightly addicted to entering awards and am now keen to keep entering and pushing myself.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?
Being surrounded by incredible Mumpreneurs and the whole experience of networking, learning and dressing up for the evening events! It was truly magical and the best event in business I have ever been to! And I am not just saying that!
What surprised you most about the awards?
I LOVED all of the presentations. I learnt so much and took a zillion notes that I am still looking through and implementing now!
How did the awards help you in your business?
As soon as I announced that I had even become a finalist in the awards, the response from friends, family and others in business was incredible! SInce coming third I truly feel like others have a new sense of respect for my business and I am also feeling more validated and confident in myself! So many people recognise these awards and I definitely think it’s helping to add an extra level of professionalism to my company and name.
What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?
Do it! What’s there to lose? At worst you don’t win but you are surrounded by incredible inspirational people! Just the contacts and people you meet are worth it!
What has been the best thing about starting your own business?
Choosing who I work with. I have the most amazing team and customers across the Globe. The hours are flexible and the opportunities for growth are endless.
What’s happening next in your business?
I am currently starting to write for the ‘Dreams and Determination’ book launching next year in September. I am also planning my online Sourcing training course and also putting in some clear SOPs and direction for growing the business over the coming year
What are your big plans for the future?
I have so many plans it’s hard to know where to start! Immediately is to really establish my company with string managers and leaders in the accounts I have taken on and grown, leaving me to take on new accounts and eventually pass them over as the team is trained and grows. Long distance (not too long) plans are to have a good regular passive income stream ideally from my online training courses, investment properties and even investment in other peoples companies dedicating my network and experience for a % of their business. I also hope to grow the new brands I am working on on behalf of my clients. I plan to get one main one (Shimeray) known Globally and have its own stand alone stores within the next 5-10 years.
What is your website and/or social media links?
Leeli & Co: web: https://leeliandco.com/ IG: Leeliandco FB: Leeliandco
Leeli Design: web: https://leelidesign.com/ IG: Leelidesign FB: Leelidesign
Shimeray: web: https://shimeray.com/ IG: Shimeray_ FB: Shimeray