Entrepreneurship can be a deeply personal and spiritual path. You’re often promised that once you find your calling and embrace it, things will magically align themselves to provide for you. There will no longer be any struggle and you’ll be in the flow of life. You may have dreamt for years about leaving the work you settled for, to follow your passion and purpose through your business. Yet, the responsibility of taking such initiative comes with its own unique set of challenges that are likely to test you at times, causing you to question whether you’re truly on purpose.


Here are seven tangible signs that you are living your life purpose through your business.

1. You’re still excited by your big ‘why’

Your big why provides you with the fuel to go the extra distance. Knowing why you’re in business in the first place gives you the stamina and endurance to persist no matter what challenges present. Being clear on what it will give you to fulfil your fulfil your desires. Your why acts as a catalyst for opportunities, insights and a to-do list that inspires and excites you. Your why can move mountains, so it’s important to reconnect with it regularly.

 2. You regularly lose track of time while you’re at work in your business

This might sound counter-intuitive because successful people always have a well thought out schedule and value tracking their time. However, when you’re ‘in the zone’ and immersing yourself in doing what you love, your awareness of time falls away. Everything else ceases to exist except what you’re focussing on in that moment, for example treating a client, writing or creating something. Living on purpose means getting into the flow regularly. If you’re watching the clock too much, it’s time to refocus towards doing something that immerses you.

3. You’re committed to offering your gifts…no matter what

Many people are frightened of commitment. Recognising, accepting and actioning your natural gifts so that they are fully expressed and realised, comes with a responsibility. Commitment is needed to do what it takes to fulfil your calling and realise your gift in meaningful ways in the world, no matter what challenges you might face.

True freedom lies in knowing that you’re committed to the course of your destiny, no matter how long it takes. You have plenty of time, a whole lifetime, to fulfil this destiny, otherwise it would not have been granted to you. In a world of quick fixes, it can be easy to believe that living on purpose equals overnight success. Commitment and delayed gratification almost always plays a significant part in heart-centred success.

4. You take responsibility for your results

When you’re prepared to take 100 per cent responsibility for your results, you empower yourself to make the changes that need to be made without blaming external circumstances. People who are successfully carrying out their life purpose are less likely to be sitting in blame and more likely to be taking action in the direction of their dreams.

5. You’re best friends with faith and action

Faith is an all-prevailing reassurance that relaxes you into the flow of life. It supports you to trust that your deepest desires are being heard; that if they are meant to be, they will be. Faith gives you the confidence and self-belief to make mistakes, take action and try new things. Being best friends with faith and taking action in the direction of your desires is the perfect dance for an entrepreneur on purpose.

6. You know your strengths and weaknesses

Knowing your strengths empowers you to step into self-determination and leadership in your business. Studies have shown that successful businesses focus on their employee’s strengths rather than weaknesses. However, it’s also helpful to know what your weaknesses are so that you can outsource them and understand when they are holding you back.

7. Your community is growing effortlessly

Being on purpose often has the side effect of attracting people into the movement and conviction you alchemise through your business. People are attracted to certainty and direction. Your community is the ecosystem in which your business exists including both employees and the people who use your products and services. With a clearly defined ‘why’ as well as clearly defined values, your community will grow effortlessly through word of mouth referrals and the ripple effects of your offerings.

Being on purpose in business does not guarantee an easy path but it’s the ultimate ticket to fulfilment and profound satisfaction. Know your why and deep dive into taking action in your genius zone as much as possible. Commit to facing your challenges with awareness and take responsibility for your results by putting yourself into the driver’s seat of your business. Align yourself with faith and a community of like-minded people.  Awakening to the value of your heart-felt gifts will support you to move mountains.

About our Ausmumpreneur Expert :


Lisa Fitzpatrick is the creator of the popular coaching program Heart Your Life – simple steps to find your life purpose available here.

As the founder of Sacred Women’s Business, a coaching and training business, which serves conscious women in business, Lisa believes that every woman has the right to tap into her unique feminine wisdom to achieve lasting success and leave a legacy. Lisa is a certified coach, writer, yoga teacher, workshop facilitator, speaker, registered physiotherapist and mother. She lives in a subtropical paradise near Byron Bay with her two sons

Free offer: Pick up Part One of Healing the Heart of Your Business – sustainable success for heart-centred women at www.LisaFitzpatrick.com.au