Ask anyone what they dream of and you’ll get a medley of answers. It could be a better job – one that is entirely unrelated to what they are currently doing, maybe it’s buying a truffle farm far away from their current shoebox in the city. It could be throwing it all in, leaving a stressful career, a too-big mortgage and just roaming the land like a gypsy.
When people are courageous enough to open up about their BIG dreams, they often come with a scoff and a laugh: “I know it’s a bit silly but I’ve always wanted to record a song.” As humans we’re brilliant at putting ourselves down (aside from Kanye West who is the antithesis of humble). We almost find our own aspirations – the really BIG ones – ridiculous and somewhat embarrassing to say out loud.
Why is that?
The F-word.
That damn parasite that sucks our confidence and energy, it removes our sense of achievement and our ability to be courageous. Mostly, we are fearful of being complete and utter failures.
What if…?
What if we take the plunge, jump off the cliff and record the song and it fails dismally? We may have to skulk, tail-between-the-legs, back to our old job and beg for it back.
We need to flip that what if on its head and instead ask ourselves, what if we don’t give it a go? If it’s important enough to dream about, to wake up and constantly think about, to google and doodle and chatter about, then it’s absolutely worth pursuing. Put your common sense hat to the side, mute the internal voices telling you your dream is crazy, reckless, irresponsible or unachievable. Put your superhero undies on and think what if it IS possible?
It is fear, not failure, that is the enemy of big dreams.
I dared to dream that maybe one day I’d publish a book. It’s a BIG dream. There are about seven billion people who’d like to publish a book (including Kanye West who has already done it – publishing a book documenting his ‘Kanye-isms’). Many, many people along the way will knock and mock and tilt their heads to the side with a look saying it can’t be done. There are pathways that must be tread, and guidelines to follow, there are brick walls to put a sledgehammer through and contacts I don’t even know how to approach.
I don’t care. I’m going to do it. Publish a book. And if it fails dismally, then I shall lick my wounds until I have the courage to start again.
Because a lifetime without having that big dream, and possibly realising that big dream is much scarier to me than not having the dream at all.
About Kylie Orr, Kylie Orr
Her dream of becoming a back up dancer for Janet Jackson was quashed by a distinct lack of talent, forcing Kylie Orr into a day job of writing. She has four children and one husband to fuel her inspiration.
After eight years writing for Essential Baby, Kylie was keen to broaden into genres outside parenting. She found the murky waters and the swell of rejection in this cut-throat freelance writing business overwhelming. But 2015 is her year. She’s determined she will be successful, she will conquer the writing world and make enough money to eat more than 2 minute noodles.