The Queensland Government is making grants of up to $5000.00 available to home-based entrepreneurs in what is the first program of its kind in Australia.
Under the Queensland entrepreneurs of Tomorrow Home Based Business Program funding will be available to stay-at-home-parents seeking to establish or develop home based businesses.
The Government has committed $1 Million over three years to support this program with funding of up to $5000.00 provided to successful applicants.
Peace & Katy of AusMumpreneur have been a key partner in initiating this landmark grant program for Queensland and were excited to hear that this generous package had been officially confirmed at the Queensland budget briefing in Brisbane. The AusMumpreneur Network is offering a program for home-based business owners who are interested in applying for this funding.
Home-based business school
Home Based Business School provides online support, mentoring, events and online training programs to help women start, manage and grow successful and profitable businesses from home.
Created especially for home-based business owners through this project we will work with particpants to create a targeted and strategic action plan for their business. Designed to help participants focus their direction, upgrade their skills and business knowledge, come up with creative new ideas and think about where they want their business to be. Combining face to face consulting, a one day group coaching session, support, networking and advice to help business owners develop their business action plan.
The Home-based Business School Action Plan program will be run by Peace Mitchell and Katy Garner. Peace and Katy are passionate about supporting mums in business and have been business owners themselves for the past 6 years. Together they have run numerous business programs and events for home-based business owners and have helped thousands of Australian mums to create successful and profitable businesses from home.
Here’s what other home-based businesses owners say about our programs:
“After participating in the AusMumpreneur 28 day Challenge last year I was able to define my business goals more clearly and extend the range of services I was offering to clients. One of the early sessions in the 28 day challenge was instrumental to my overall business success in that it enabled me to work out what I needed to do in order to meet the needs of clients and prospective clients. The 28 day challenge made me really think about what clients and prospective clients needed and what goals and tasks I needed to set in order to realise my vision. Setting up and establishing a successful business is so time consuming and conscious planning is crucial for success. The 28 day challenge enabled me to do some conscious planning without taking too much time away from the day to day running of the business. I would highly recommend the challenge to any mumpreneur who is running or thinking of running their own business.”
Tania Clarke | Ensis Global Freight
“Being a part of the AusMumpreneur Network has been more beneficial than I thought possible. The networking and business contacts that I have made are only the beginning, what I never imagined was the friendships that I would form and also the added education. The other ladies have given me “food for thought” many times over and this has greatly assisted me in all areas of my business and work/life balance. I would (and do!) recommend this network to all mums (or just women in general) that are in the beginning stages of their business as it is by far the best support they will find!”
Jemma Vanderboon | Your virtual asset
“From the moment I became connected to the AusMumprenueur network I felt a sense of relief and coming home. Finally, a network (a community) that honours and acknowledges the role of motherhood and a woman choosing to follow her own passion and purpose to take care of her family and make a difference in the world. If you want to have it all… on your terms, this is the place to feel elevated and supported to do just that!”
Kerry Spina | Kids in Harmony
Apply Here
Here are the instructions for how to submit your grant application, please read everything carefully and double check your responses before submitting.
If you have any questions or get stuck please email us – we’re here to help
Once you’ve submitted your application please forward your confirmation email to us for our records.
Please note we’ve adjusted our program to comply with the government requirements and 8 week time-frame. We’re planning:
1. A one-day business Action Plan group coaching session that succesful applicants can attend in Brisbane, Cairns or Townsville.
2. The following day we will be holding one-on-one consultations to go through your Action Plan and provide individual recommendations.
These events will be held during November and successful applicants are required to attend, the grant will cover the cost for you to attend as well as morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on the group coaching day but does not include any extra travel expenses.
Our online program will be offered in ROUND TWO for successful eligible applicants: APPLY HERE : ROUND ONE
There are 5 pages to fill in:
Page 1 Eligibility – This is where you complete your own details about your eligibility
Page 2 Applicant Details – This is where you complete your own details about your business
Page 3 Proposal Details – This is where you write about the program we are doing with you, some of this you will be able to copy and paste from our information below. Some answers you will need to write.
Page 4 Consultant Details – This is where you put our details in and upload the pdf
Page 5 Applicant agreement – This is the terms and conditions page
Proposal Details
TITLE: Home-based Business Action Plan Development
DESCRIPTION: The Home-Based Business Action Plan Development will consist of four parts:
- A business analysis questionnaire and review
- A one day group coaching session which will cover:
Action Plan creation
- A two hour one-on-one session with a consultant to discuss and develop the strategic action plan in more detail
- Development of the action plan & final report by the consultant
{Insert your own answer here – 200 words about how working with us to create an action plan will help your business}
The services provided include:
A business analysis questionnaire and review
A one day group coaching session featuring interactive sessions on business planning, marketing strategies and legal & government requirements
9am – 10.30am Session one
Market research and compliance
This session will cover legal requirements, taxation requirements, compliance with government regulations, business registration, techniques for conducting market research and ensuring the correct foundations for business are in place
10.45am – 12.30pm Session two
What’s happening in your business?
This session will give participants an in-depth analysis of their business and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Identifying potential areas for growth and new activities which could be beneficial for the business
1.30pm – 3.00pm Session three
Creating strategies for growth
This session will look at which activities are bringing a strong return on investment and which activities need to be streamlined. Particularly highlighting and focusing on the areas of the business that need more focus and development.
3.30pm – 5.00pm Session four
This session will include a marketing review of the business. Participants will gain clarity around their demographic and ideal customer as well as where and how they can be using marketing to reach them. This session will also cover an overview of cost-effective online marketing strategies including facebook, twitter, Instagram and pinterest as well as blogger outreach and PR.
A two hour one-on-one coaching session to develop and review the specific action plan steps
Consultant to develop the business action plan and final report
Business advice
Mentoring/ coaching
Business planning
Strategic planning
Marketing strategies (including branding strategies and social media/digital strategies)
{Insert your own answer here – 200 words to describe 3 benefits you want to achieve. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE: A final report and a completed business action plan as this is compulsory}
ABN 28 600 473 514
AusMumpreneur Investments trading as Home Based Business School
147 Daly Rd
Mena Creek Q 4860
PO box 1545
Innisfail Q 4860
07 4065 3246
0431 615 107
Mentoring/ coaching
Business planning
Strategic planning
Marketing strategies (including branding strategies and social media/digital strategies)
Download the CONSULTANT PDF here: HomebasedbusinessactionplanROUNDONE.pdf
Important dates:
24 September CLOSING DATE
24 October Succesful applicants notified
2 November Program commences
14 November Cairns group coaching session
15 November Cairns one-on-one consultation sessions
21 November Townsville group coaching session
22 November Townsville one-on-one consultation sessions
28 November Brisbane group coaching session
29 November Brisbane one-on-one consultation sessions
2 January Program concludes