We are delighted to introduce you to one of the Women’s Business School graduates Katrina Verso, founder of Cammino Shoes.

When did you start your business?
November 2017
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
I was incredibly passionate about creating the perfect ballet flat. A shoe so comfortable you would want to collect in multiple colours. Couple with that was a passion for the tradition of Italian shoe craftmanship. I set about to bring a brand to life that celebrated that art in making a beautiful yet functional shoe for busy women to enjoy.
What are you most excited about in your business?
I’m excited to be out of lockdown and that now I can get out in front of customers through events and pop ups and really connect with my audience. In addition with my launch of sneakers, I am excited to keep propelling the busines forward through constant improvement of the customers experience online and now off-line again too.
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
Getting eyeballs on the brand. From day one it has been a constant work in progress to think of new, effective and low cost ways of growing my audience. With the absence of a big budget it is a long slog to build my tribe.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
Ensure you surround yourself with supportive friends and family. Do not listen to negativity. It is so important to have people around that will lift you up and help you see you can make your dreams come true. Positivity is so incredibly important.
Why did you choose to do the Women’s Business School Programs?
I first had a wonderful experience at the AusMumpreneur conference. I was so impressed by the running of the event and the calibre of speakers I just knew that the program was the perfect next step for me and the business. I left the conference energised and inspired and wanted to learn more.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the program?
I liked the accountability of monthly assignments and milestone check ins. I think these both ensured that what was being covered in the program and teaching was actually put into practice with my business. It was fabulous also to get practical feedback on the assignments which was easy to translate into business goals. I also loved having a mentor during the program.

What surprised you most about the program?
I think I was surprised by how practical and incredibly impactful it was on my business. It wasn’t learning for the sake of learning. Each module of the course was exactly what I needed to drive the business forward. The support of the group gave me motivation and accountability to take all the necessary steps and push boundaries I know I wouldn’t have done on my own. Peace and Katy also went above and beyond with helping me launch a successful Kickstarter campaign raising much needed funds to scale.
Which module was the most helpful and why?
They were all so very helpful in their own way. But if I had to pick one, I think it would be the first – Visioning. I think this was so important to me as it made me reflect on myself, what I wanted out of life, why I was doing it and lastly to think big. Without this big thinking at the start, I may not have set challenging goals and scaled the way I did.
How did the program help you in your business?
It helped me set up things to scale through systems. It helped me priorities and focus on the work that would actually make a difference. And lastly it helped me triple my annual sales in the first 3 months of the year.
What has been the best thing about starting your own business?
The freedom it allows me to spend quality time with my very young kids. And also being able to use my creativity to bring joy to others.
Would you recommend the Women’s Business School to other women starting a business? Why?
Absolutely. The support is incredible and the modules relevant and engaging. Having access to the amazing women is also invaluable to any solopreneur.
What’s happening next in your business?
We are looking at new product development which adds value to our consumers and also shows our commitment to sustainability and the shoe making tradition. I am keeping my lips sealed on any further detail for now.
What are your big plans for the future?
Get to Italy and expand to unisex products.

To learn more about Cammino Shoes, please visit their website, Facebook or Instagram.
Applications for the award-winning Women’s Business School Accelerator program are now open!
Follow the link to apply today: https://womensbusinessschool.lpages.co/wbs/