We are delighted to introduce you to one of our Women’s Business School graduates Kristy Moore, founder of Travel Moore.

When did you start your business?
I decided in Nov 2019 that I wanted to follow my dreams and open a Travel Agency. I officially opened the doors to Travel Moore on January 24th 2020. It was the day before the first case of Covid-19 was announced in Australia.
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
Owning a travel agency is a dream I have had for 20 years, in year 12 (2000). I was asked where I wanted to be in 10 years time and I wrote “Owning my own travel agency”. I also wanted to show my daughter that dreams can come true
What are you most excited about in your business?
I am most excited about getting to help people create life long memories and experiences by helping create their travel plans. I get to do what I love everyday and I get to use both my professional and personal experiences.
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
For me the most challenging thing about starting my business was the rules and restrictions put into place by the travel ban due to covid. Timing of opening my business the day before covid was announced in Australia.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
Go for it, back yourself and believe that you can do it.
Why did you choose to do the Women’s Business School Programs?
I am so glad I decided to complete the Ignite program at the Women’s Business School. I choose to do the program so I could learn from women who have been where I am -starting a business and to gain support and build a network like-minded business women.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the program?
The mentoring, support, advice and connections made ( ie. getting to know the other women) is what I enjoyed most about being a part of the program.
What surprised you most about the program?
How much I was able to learn, taken on board and implement into my business, the tools I now have to help. How much I grow personally from being in the program is what surprised me the most.
Which module was the most helpful and why?
The dream big module and the finance modules were the most helpful to me, it showed me that It’s ok to have big dreams and plans and it’s ok to chase my dreams. The finance module really opened my eyes and help me to know what I need to achieve and to not be afraid of the numbers and to do this regularly.
How did the program help you in your business?
The program saved my business as I don’t think my business would still be operating if I didn’t complete the program. It showed me how to pivot, show me it’s ok to change direction and to chase my dreams and to bring forward goals. It help me to focus on what I need to be doing, helped to make my plans clear and gave me direction. It help me get clear and move forward. Doing something is better than doing nothing and standing still- moving forward one step at a time. It’s help me to become an expert in my field.

What has been the best thing about starting your own business?
Making a 20 year long dream come true. Finding my true passion and doing what make me happy. I also get to show my daughter that dreams do come true and you can do what ever you put your mind too.
Would you recommend the Women’s Business School to other women starting a business? Why?
Yes I highly recommend the Women’s Business School! It’s the best thing I have done for my business. It help me to set up my foundations and has help me to build my business.
What’s happening next in your business?
I have just released my first colouring book and it’s currently being made into a children’s pictures book. I am also in the process of releasing a sensory travel kit and Mummy & Me holidays.
What are your big plans for the future?
To start an Australian autism travel association and run fundraising events so I can send families with autistic children away on an all expenses paid holiday.

To learn more about Travel Moore, please visit Kristy’s website, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.
Applications for the award-winning Women’s Business School Accelerator program are now open!
Follow the link to apply today: https://womensbusinessschool.lpages.co/wbs/