Victoria Eve. & Co. (VEC) provides Online Business Management and Virtual Assistant services. Specialising in start-ups, entrepreneurs, and small business, we offer services in operations and EA support, digital marketing, social media management, HR, Accounts & Bookkeeping, and graphic design.
Our aim is to help our clients achieve their goals, by freeing up their time and enabling them to work ON their business rather than IN it.

When did you start your business?

Victoria Eve. & Co. opened its virtual doors in May 2020 – the start of the very first lockdown in Sydney.

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

for the most part, I always wondered what my purpose was. I found fulfilment in teaching, particularly in observing the growth of my students over the course, and I also loved the feeling of hitting goals for my employers in the administration space. But the two were worlds apart, so when my mid-life crisis hit, trying to make sense of what my true passion was proved difficult.
And then COVID hit. I was teaching virtually due to the lockdowns, but despite working the same hours, interestingly found that I had more time for my family. This opened my eyes to the world of possibilities, where work and life could work symbiotically. During this period, friends, past colleagues, and managers started contacting me to assist with various administrative tasks. And so, Victoria Eve. & Co. was born. It felt as though the universe had given me the proverbial “kick up the backside” to get myself into gear and start up my own Online Business Management and virtual Assistant agency.
It has only been in the last five years that I’ve understood what I was born to do – to help those around me (be it students or clients) to grow, both personally and professionally, and to assist them in achieving their goals. In other words, it is the ultimate bona fide support act. And to be able to do it flexibly so I can still be available for my family – a dream!

What are you most excited about in your business?

Making the world a better place for women working at VEC. The modern workplace has not been kind to women, who have been expected to juggle work with kids, family, and life in general. It is one of the main considerations for gender disparity, gender bias, wage gap, and overall patriarchal discourse. VEC says no to all of that. We say it is possible to make work fit around your life, and no woman should be disadvantaged by their desire to be available for their children, to spend more time with their family, and to make life work without sacrificing their own wellbeing.
In 2022, our client base grew from 5 to 20 clients, and the VEC team grew from 3 to a team of 10 fabulous women. That’s 10 women who are being given the opportunity to work and live their best lives, whatever that may look like. I’m excited about giving more women that same opportunity as we grow and expand.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

When I started VEC three and a half years ago, it was against a backdrop of having worked for over 18 years in administrative and managerial roles. Despite my familiarity with working with start-ups and small businesses and my experience in dealing with the mayhem that comes along with the development of businesses at that start-up stage, I was caught off-guard by the complexities that came because of the rapid growth of my team which occurred in 2022. We experienced the classic symptoms of cash flow crunch, operational inefficiency, and faltering ability to manage as work processes came under pressure from the increased demand. Suffice it to say, the learning curve was steep, as I sought to quickly set up the appropriate systems and structures to support the growing team.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

Running a business is hard work. It is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, a journey that makes you question yourself every single day. My biggest piece of advice would be to surround yourself with a great support network who can celebrate your wins with you but also help you get through the tougher times. Having someone in your corner at those low points, helping you see the forest from the trees, reminding you of what you are capable of and why you need to keep going, is the secret to longevity.

Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?

A close friend put me on to it. She had been an AusMum for a number of years, and I had observed her growth and her business flourish as a result. So naturally, I was curious if it was something that would work for me and my business.

What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?

Absolutely the connections made with other AusMums! It was both a humbling and comforting experience. So many amazing women in one room, each with their own inspiring stories to tell. But also, so great to know that all those wonderful women experienced the same joys and struggles as I did, as a mum in business. I am not alone!

What surprised you most about the awards?

The same thing that I enjoyed the most – the connections made via networking. I am an introvert. Networking and putting myself out there requires quite a lot of effort on my part – I feel like I must push myself hard to do it well. But the AusMum crew are so lovely, it was much easier than I expected it to be. And I met some pretty amazing people with whom I hope to be able to stay connected with.

How did the awards help you in your business?

The awards have helped me on two levels. Personally, the recognition acquired through winning an award is always enjoyable. You work hard, and it is nice to feel rewarded for your efforts. It’s a pleasant reminder that I am on the right track with my business. Professionally, it has given VEC a level of credibility that we are a great company to work with. The general perception when I’ve spoken to potential clients is that they see that we’ve won awards, and it gives them a sense that we are a trusted brand and has provided a platform for us to leverage.

What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?

Two things… Firstly, in the words of Nike, Just Do It. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate your achievements. Even if you don’t win an award, the connections made through networking alone make the whole exercise worthwhile. Secondly, when writing your submission, be sure to provide clear examples of your accomplishments to make for a more credible entry.

What has been the best thing about starting your own business?

The flexibility it has afforded me to fit work around my family and my life and to contribute to the lives of the women I work with by making their day-to-day a little easier with added flexibility.

What’s happening next in your business?

After the whirlwind year of rapid growth in 2022, this year has been very much focused on developing our internal systems and processes, ensuring the appropriate infrastructure is set up to support the existing VEC team, and a strong foundation for further growth and expansion in 2024. In 2024, I would hope to see an additional 50% growth, particularly as we focus on building out the EA support services arm of the business.

What are your big plans for the future?

Our business goals for the next 3-5 years:
• Double in size to 20 team members and hit 7 figures in revenue
• Implement Professional Development program to upskill the VEC team
• Introduction of new company initiatives such as a Referral fee program and Volunteer VEC payback program
• Course creation/webinar training development

What is your website and/or social media links?