Natashia’s first solo book, published by WCWPress. Natashia unpacks all the adversities in life she has faced from abuse, stage 4B cancer, to running a multi million dollar business… but nothing is as challenging as facing your own mindset…
The best part… Natashia is donating all proceeds from the sale of this book to go to providing scholarships to The Women’s Business School for female founders.
You can instantly get reading by grabbing your kindle copy here:
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Natashia Telfer
Natashia Telfer is a Canberra-based mum, wife, sister, daughter, friend and businesswoman. She also considers herself a survivor, juggler and perpetual ball dropper, chaos coordinator and silver lining seeker. She has worked within the healthcare sector for 18 years in a variety of roles including Aged Care, Disability, Acquired Brain Injury, and is now co-founder and director of National Community Care in Canberra.
Natashia has been recognised for her committed efforts by many government bodies including NDIS, ACT Health, the Governor General, ADACAS, the Aged Care Practitioner Office, and the Human Rights Commissioner by simply advocating for those unheard. Natashia has been recognised in the Local Business Awards, the rubik3 CWB Businesswoman of the Year and Social Impact Businesswomen of the Year, the Women in Business Telstra Awards, Ausmumprener of the Year finalist, Health and Wellbeing Award, Business Excellence Award and B2B Service Business Award.