Choosing to plant the seed of a business idea takes time and care.
There’s no point throwing a seed into the ground and expecting it to take root unless you are willing to nurture it.
This is the bit that no-one sees, the part that goes unvalued by life partners and the part that takes the most work and dedication. But still you carry on, not fully knowing if the seed will germinate but nonetheless you are filled with passion and commitment in the belief that someday, with your guidance and care, something magical will happen.
If you want others to believe in you, you must first believe in yourself.
This is a time of little reward.
You may even have to invest or re-invest into your venture. A wage will probably be non-existent and hours will be long, yet still you keep going nurturing your seed. Believing, believing, believing with little to show. Then just as your hope begins to dwindle there will be a change, a sign that things are happening at the core of your seed, and in time roots begin to take hold. You know it, you feel it, you are getting excited, yet still no-one on the outside can see what is happening. Yet there will be some who believe in you and what you are aiming to achieve, those people are treasures as they keep you motivated to keep nurturing your seed even without the big rewards. Those people will love to watch your flower grow, they understand the work that is going on underground and they are waiting to celebrate with you when your flower takes bloom.
In the mean-time you keep working hard preparing for your seed to peek its head through the soil, ready for its journey upwards towards the sun. Your role is to never lose faith in your seedling, keep believing and nurturing it and when the time comes you will reap the rewards of your labour. The day when your seed flowers will be a momentous day and you will deserve all of the recognition and rewards you receive during these times.
Serenity Press was once a seed, a little idea that I had which kept me up at night. I chose to plant that seed, I worked tirelessly nurturing it so that it could organically grow. I was passionate about my business but at first I really did not know how much work was involved but I knew that this seed needed to be planted and that step by step along the way I would learn how to help it grow, and that I have done since.
My advice to anyone starting out in business or who is struggling to grow their business is to think lovingly of the day when your seed will showcase itself to the world.
All of your hard work will have been worth it. It’s a very proud moment when it all comes together. Try as much as you can to enjoy the process as it will be a far more enjoyable experience. There may be other seeds just look just like yours but none of them have you nurturing them and so your seed is unique in that way and you can make it stand taller and bloom brighter than others.
Just like a gardener enjoys planting seeds, watching them take hold and eventually blossom, your business may be a flower or it may be like Serenity Press and become a tree that branches out into an empire. In my eyes Serenity Press is a blossom tree, each branch is a division and each beautiful blossom that blooms is a new book that flourishes for a time under our care and then drops off and if nurtured it can be used as a seed too. It is a beautiful cycle that is never-ending. And each book comes to be because I believed in a seed and worked hard to nurture it.
What flower is your business? At what stage of evolution is it at?
About our Ausmumpreneur Expert :
Karen is founder of Serenity Press, a boutique publishing press based in Perth, WA that services clients with their established global distribution link. She is passionate that a publishing experience should be a positive one and likes to manage things at a personal level with her amazing team. 2015 was a big year for Serenity Press and 2016 is going to be amazing. Karen would love for you to join Serenity Press on their journey as they grow from strength to strength bringing amazing books to the world. Everyone has a story within themselves that deserves to be told.