by Peace | Jan 6, 2016 | Action, Articles, Blog, Business, Expert, Goals, Marketing, Mindset, Mumpreneur, Startup, Startup success
Have you noticed that it’s getting harder and harder to stand out from the online crowd? Let’s face it, online is a pretty crowded place! There are over 25 million online businesses in the world, but only 2% are making more than $1000 PER YEAR! So what can you do to...
by Cassie | Dec 22, 2015 | Articles, Balance, Business, criticism, Diary of a Mumpreneur 2015, featured, Goals, Inspiration, Mindset, Money, Mumpreneur, Passion, Resistance, Time management
As the year comes to a close, it’s an opportune time to reflect back on the year; to magnify the wins and take the losses on the chin. BUSINESS EXPANSION I started off with the intention to broaden my client base. 2015 was my year to expand; to spread my wings and...
by Cassie | Nov 24, 2015 | Business, Diary of a Mumpreneur 2015, Goals, Inspiration, Passion, Resources, Startup success
I remember a story years ago about friends of ours who were invited to a dinner party at the home of work colleagues. On the back of the toilet door was their colleagues’ five year plan. It included their goal for a passive income of X amount of dollars, and the...
by Cassie | Nov 10, 2015 | Articles, Diary of a Mumpreneur 2015, Goals, Mindset, Mumpreneur, Passion
Ask anyone what they dream of and you’ll get a medley of answers. It could be a better job – one that is entirely unrelated to what they are currently doing, maybe it’s buying a truffle farm far away from their current shoebox in the city. It could be throwing...
by Cassie | Oct 29, 2015 | Articles, Blog, Diary of a Mumpreneur 2015, Goals, Inspiration, Mindset, Passion
A friend of mine often says, “you can call me what you want as long as it’s not boring.” I completely agree. As a creative, to be accused of being boring, or “beige” as I like to refer to it, is the ultimate insult. Beige is comfortable, unassuming, inoffensive. Beige...