Sue Ross, Choirs4Kids
Choirs4Kids, founded by Sue Ross, specialise in running professional, Online singing lessons. Choirs4Kids is a global online place for kids, aged 4 to 15, to connect with others through song, in a safe environment with guided instruction videos each week and an online virtual choir too!
A place where children feel connected with others, where their families feel part of a beautiful, growing community, where they all get to be free to be themselves and enjoy every opportunity that comes along, which helps them to grow in confidence.
When did you start your business?
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
My inspiration was my 3 year old daughter, who at the time all she wanted to do was sing. I knew, having been in the education system for 20+ years, that she wouldn’t have access to a choir at school until she was at least age 7. I also knew that this is often too late. Children need to know that their singing voice is awesome from an early age….they are born singing and need to keep doing so, so I formed Choirs4Kids for my daughter and the many young people like her.
What are you most excited about in your business?
It’s super fun hearing every child’s voice and how they grow in confidence during the time that they are with me. I love watching their journey in other areas of their lives too. Parents keep me in the loop about auditions and proud moments of public speaking or learning English. I love how much of a difference singing makes to those who haven’t been able to access singing group previously due to location or behavioural constraints (just to mention a few).
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
The most challenging part of starting the business has been reach. The market is saturated with free, often, low-quality music programs. Reaching people from all parts of the world has been tricky but exciting too. Now that we are online, it is easier to fill the classes with such a range of countries to choose from. We have kept prices really low too, so that singing can still be accessible to all in this still ever-changing environment.
What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
I advise investing as much in yourself as you do in your business. Ensure to continue doing things that light you up and take a break from working constantly. Spend time with your loved ones or yourself, whether in a hobby, sport, activity or socially. It can be a real trap to fall into to let the business completely take over your life.
I do this by ensuring I go for a swim each week, even travelling further to a heated pool during winter to ensure I have some me-time. The break from being a mum, wife, business owner and educator helps me recentre and find some balance. It’s non-negotiable for me.
Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?
I have been part of Ausmum for the past 3 years and have enjoyed the range of connections and support that they have given. I wanted to continue my learning and support connections and boost the business too.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?
I wasn’t able to attend but the online live event was great – thank you for inclusivity there.
What surprised you most about the awards?
How many people were winners! So many awards!
How did the awards help you in your business?
Promotion of being a winner of course is always good for business. Connections are key and through entering the awards the connections grow. Being a winner also helps confirm in my clients minds that they have made a good choice in their child’s activity.
What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?
Take time to be the best mum you can be and don’t forget to keep that balance. Sometimes it’s hard. The business can take over, so just be really clear about your goals and talk to your kids about that too. They love being involved where they can.
What has been the best thing about starting your own business?
Being able to spend time when I choose with my family and make a difference to the lives of so many young people.
What’s happening next in your business?
Singing on the phone is in the pipe line! And connecting with more remote areas for singing programs online is also being planned at the moment.
What are your big plans for the future?
We’ve had conversations with JackTrip – to allow us to sing together, but being in the most remote city in the world, we are waiting on Amazon servers to put something in WA! We might be Waiting A-while!
What is your website and/or social media links (eg. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)
Website URL*