Vanessa Marrama, Vanessa M Taking Care of Business

I am the founder of Vanessa M Taking Care of Business and mum of two boys. With a Masters in Business Administration and over 10 years management experience, I am dedicated to empowering my clients, team and other mums in business. My passion is definitely mums supporting other mums, so we can all grow in business together doing what we love!

When did you start your business?

Four years ago, this August.

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

I am passionate about working with mums and making a positive impact on their lives. I wanted to combine this passion with my own expertise and build a business that not only worked directly with mums but supported them in the growth of their own skills and careers. My goal was to build a team of highly skilled VAs from all over the world that would provide services to thought leaders in their areas of expertise, and I’m proud to say I have achieved that. I wanted to create a virtual workplace where we could all support each other and our clients, where our skills were valued and where being a mum was seen as a bonus not a barrier.

What are you most excited about in your business?

We’re in a period of making some changes for future growth and it’s really exciting seeing these being mapped out and becoming a reality.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

My biggest challenge has been learning how to balance my time so I can be a mum, business owner and OBM to my clients. I have addressed this by blocking time out in my calendar, setting expectations with my clients and saying no when I need to. I am also transparent in my interactions with my clients and colleagues so they know why I am saying no. Having that understanding and background helps to build an authentic relationship with those I work with. 

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

That it’s possible to dream big and achieve those dreams! It’s not always easy balancing motherhood with being in business, and sometimes we’re under so much pressure to either do one or the other, but with the right support and drive anything is possible. There are going to be days where it is hard and where it’s not possible to be perfect, but if you strive for continuous progress you’ll get there in the end – one step and one day at a time.

Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?

I was the winner of the 2021 AusMumpreneur VA Institute Business Award so was already familiar with the awards and was encouraged to enter them again this year.

What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?

It’s a great way to connect with other business owners and see all the amazing things they’re achieving.

What surprised you most about the awards?

There’s such a great range of categories to enter if you are interested. A lot of awards are missing that, but this provides so many mumpreneurs with the opportunity to be recognised for their efforts.

How did the awards help you in your business?

They have helped position the business as a credible source of highly skilled VAs and OBMs.

What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?

Go for it!

What has been the best thing about starting your own business?

I am passionate about working with mums and making a positive impact on their lives. I wanted to combine this passion with my own expertise and build a business that not only worked directly with mums but supported them in the growth of their own skills and careers. My goal was to build a team of highly skilled VAs from all over the world that would provide services to thought leaders in their areas of expertise, and I’m proud to say I have achieved that. I wanted to create a virtual workplace where we could all support each other and our clients, where our skills were valued and where being a mum was seen as a bonus not a barrier.

What’s happening next in your business?

We’re expanding out our OBM packages, which is really exciting.

What are your big plans for the future?

Our senior OBMs have begun mentoring junior OBMs, to help them upskill and so the team can have an overall greater capacity to support our clients with an even bigger skillset on offer.

What is your website and/or social media links (eg. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram