Sarah is a Conscious Motherhood Mentor, Coach & Founder of The Mumma Nest. She is a Facilitator, Speaker & Author but her main role is a mum of 3! The Mumma Nest offers women a transformational experience, raising themselves as they raise their family through cultivating a meaningful life that balances their roles of mother, partner, businesswoman & individual where hustle & heart can come together & flourish & everyone’s needs are met in a resourceful way. A large part of TMN offerings is based around maintaining self-esteem & emotional wellbeing, creating balance & inner peace through connecting mothers to their body instead of their mind. Mindset is nothing without aligning the nervous system & body’s wisdom.

When did you start your business?

February 2022

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

Becoming a mum of three & healing from birth trauma where I was forced to release control of every area of my life & surrender to my healing journey, finally admitting I had needs & it was ok to say ‘I need help.’ From there I accessed alternate modalities through EFT, Reiki, Creative Writing & Life Coaching (NLP) & began my journey inwards where I found so many answers to the challenges I faced in all areas of my life.

From the profound realisations I knew I had to share these with mothers, too.

Through writing during this time, I was able to work through & process emotions, and in 2023 became an author of ‘Women Leading the Way’ which launched in London in April 2023.

Writing was a significant part of my healing journey leading me here, today.

What are you most excited about in your business?

Supporting mother’s, creating a safe space for them to explore who they are becoming & being a guide on their journeys which is shifting generational patterns from repeating.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

So many unresourceful beliefs & resistance I have had to work through. For eg: measuring my success by my financials, and in the early days it was minimal, therefore I believed I was unsuccessful for quite some time.

Once I began celebrating my smaller wins through a wins journal log (capturing the beauty in the moments) & measuring success by the impact I was making the money began to increase.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

Try not to perceive challenges as a ‘sign’ to give up. If your purpose (WHY) is big enough you will always find a way to work through the challenges. With a big enough why you will always overcome any how.

Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?

To clarify my message & share the importance of motherhood support & wellbeing.

What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?

The connections 100%!!!!

What surprised you most about the awards?

How many incredible women are in business (& now in my corner)!!!

How did the awards help you in your business?

Credibility & additional community engagement.

What advice would you give to other mums thinking about entering the awards?

The journey is rewarding. It is an opportunity to fine tune your message & the delivery of what it is you do, sharing it with others & most importantly about the connections you can make!

What has been the best thing about starting your own business?

DIY programs, affiliate programs, private coaching becoming a high-ticket item & SO MANY COLLABORATIONS! Truly exciting.

What’s happening next in your business?

Ensuring mother’s are supported as they transition into motherhood & beyond, no matter the limits placed upon them through demographics, country or origin. All women as a given to have access to preventative emotional & somatic / mental health services instead of waiting until they require a clinical diagnosis.

Currently studying with the ABTA Australasian birth trauma association to become a birth trauma facilitator, to run their programs for mother’s also healing through birth trauma & include the learnings I have taken from my personal journey as the medical system trajectory was not sufficient for me when I needed it.

So much more to come!!

What are your big plans for the future?

My overarching goal is to continuously refine my skill set and deliver the pinnacle of white-glove consulting services in Australia. By consistently elevating my expertise, I aim to provide unparalleled value and support to the business community here in Australia. The Business Academy will also provide a platform for me to connect and support more women in business across Australia and beyond to reach their full potential utilising my proprietary framework used at OJC.