This week’s Ambassador Feature is with Laura Furiosi, Rashoodz Swimwear
2017 AusMumpreneur of the Year (Gold winner)
Tell us about yourself and your business?
I run Rashoodz Swimwear a children’s swimwear company and Squad Logistics a 3rd party logistics company as well as a Business coaching business called Bossy Mummy.
What was your inspiration for your business?
My daughter was my inspiration. She was really driving me crazy with her hats, I wanted to come up with something that kept her hat on and kept her safe from the sun while swimming. This is how Rashoodz Swimwear was born.
Squad Logistics was created through the need for me to find a decent company to send out my swimwear. I needed a company that was good at communicating and also good at sending the right product out. Lots of my business friends were also looking for the same thing, this is why I started Squad Logistics.
Did you have any experience in running a business or in this industry before?
Before I started I was a school teacher. In the beginning I had to learn a lot of how to run a business through reading, taking e courses or watching you tube videos!
What’s your point of difference that makes your business special or unique?
Rashoodz Swimwear has an attachable hat, that stops children from losing it or taking it off.
Squad Logistics specialises in brands that have just step outside the start up phase.
Bossy Mummy is business coaching specialising in helping other mums run a biz while raising children.
What have you learnt about yourself since becoming an entrepreneur?
Life is way more fun if you go out and try new things. I also have learnt that if I really put my mind to it, I can achieve it.
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced and how have you overcome them?
Expanding rapidly is quite challenging and also letting go of control on all facets of my businesses has been hard. However once I did this and trusted others to help, the business has grown so much faster. I also have Endometriosis and Fibromyalgia and these chronic illnesses are tricky to work around. I have put systems and people in place to step up for me if the need arises.
What lessons have your business taught you about life?
Be yourself and treat others with kindness. I totally believe in business karma. How you treat and deal with businesses and people is how you will eventually get treated. I was once told to be a little harder hearted in business, which goes against my true nature. This did not work or sit well with me. I am much happier running my business with a kind heart. Your business is a reflection of you.
If you could go back to when you were starting your business and give your younger self some advice what would you tell her?
I would tell myself to not give up, enjoy those exciting first moments, sometimes working hard into the night is totally worth it and definitely ALWAYS trust your instincts. You can take advice from other people, but in the end, you know your business and you have the vision. Go with it.
What’s next for your business?
We are taking on my brands in Squad Logistics. Rashoodz Swimwear has expanded well into China and we will hopefully expand more into China and USA.
If you could change the world, and money was no object, what would you do?
I would save all the children. The ones in war torn countries as well as the homeless, hungry, neglected and abused.
To learn more about Laura, please visit
Website: or