This week’s Ambassador Feature is with Natalia Michael, No Nasties Kids

2018 AusMumpreneur Product Innovation Award silver winner



Tell us the story behind why you love what you do and why you’re so passionate about sharing your message?

I am very passionate about natural living, business and beautiful things! No Nasties Kids was the perfect marriage of the three which then also led me to study to become a health coach. Our household is pretty much completely organic, I make our bread and butter from scratch, I brew Kombucha, I ferment foods, I use home made elixirs of high-quality oils on my skin and make my own cleaning products…  I have 2 spunky girls and am just as interested in what they consume and use on their skin too. I love sharing our message of toxin free living, educating parents about the benefits of swapping out toxic products for natural ones and also our basic motto of letting kids run wild with their own imaginations!


Tell us a story about a challenging time you faced, how you overcame it and what lesson/lessons/wisdom this experience has taught you about life and business. 

When I started out, although I have a background in business, I made so many mistakes! We once received a 10,000-container order without any stickers! Boy that was fun, sitting up until 2am most nights stickering little eyeshadow pots… I also forgot to add barcodes to my first lot of packaging and YAY that was fun too! What I learnt is that getting quality advise and mentoring is important in each stage of business. Since doing that, every step I have taken has been stronger, strategised and considered. I will continue to partner with people who inspire me and I will continue to mentor others starting out in business because you learn both ways. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my network – they ROCK!


What are 3 pieces of advice you would give someone starting out in business?

1. Find different coaches and mentors throughout your journey in business – they will save you time, money and stress.

2. Believe in yourself – Be you, don’t apologise for who you are and let your personality shine through. People buy from people.

3. Don’t be a me too brand. Don’t try to ride on someone else’s coat tail or do things that are unethical – they will bite you in the butt. Be unique, think outside the square and then you will have a product/service or range that will stand out which makes life a lot easier.




What is your proudest business achievement? Why does this mean so much to you?

In our household we celebrate every milestone big or small. The awards, the customer testimonials, the distributors who are as passionate as me… It all means the world to me. One thing that always melts my heart is my daughter, Lorena. She is No Nasties Kids biggest fan. The fact that she understands the value of hard work and how that translates to success is the best lesson I could have ever given her, and for that I am so very proud.


Finally, what do you believe is the secret to success?

Being truly unique and unapologetically you. People buy from people and customers quickly see through an inauthentic sales spiel.  This extends to your products and services. I believe that our success comes from just that, being truly unique… and we will continue to innovate and be first to market.



About our AusMumpreneur Ambassador

No Nasties Kids is an Australian manufacturer of natural children’s products including Pretty Play Makeup, Fun Face Paint and Happy Hair Chalk and the soon to be released natural hair care range called SLiCK KiDS. Many people ask founder, Natalia Michael, if she is a face painter – she is not, unless you are keen on a dodgy looking butterfly? No Nasties Kids launched just over 2 and a half years ago and is now sold in 9 countries and distributed in 4 (soon to be 5). Natalia, founder of No Nasties Kids is also a Certified Health Coach and a kombucha making hipster. 

To learn more, please visit Website, Facebook and Instagram.