Being a mumpreneur brings a unique set of challenges. Juggling the parenthood role with the business role can feel really messy. And, it makes us question so much about our boundaries. Where does one role end and the other enter? We question things like, do we allow photos of our children on social media? At what point do we share personal stories and give our audience an ‘inside look’? And, how will I handle it if my honesty brings negativity?
There is a lot of talk about the moment (thanks to the likes of Brene Brown and Elizabeth Gilbert) about vulnerability, shame and accepting creativity for what it is. I personally am over the moon about this talk because changing my mindset around my vulnerability has changed my life (and that’s not even me being dramatic!).
So, what is the talk of vulnerability all about and how can it answer all the boundary questions for a mumpreneur.
I recommend reading Brene Brown’s work on this because she has done years and years of research. In her research she discovered that the most whole-hearted people where the ones who didn’t use shame towards themselves or others to rationale events in their lives. These people understood and accepted that life is messy and that people make mistakes.
She also discovered that when we use shame we increase the likelihood of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, bullying, violence and all the nasty stuff.
“Share what is vulnerable, not what is intimate”
This quote from Brene Brown gives a really good guide for figuring out what we share with the world, how much of it we share and at what point in time. Essentially it means being more open than we feel comfortable with but not so open that you are sharing current, hyper-personal information that errs on the side of ‘too much information’.
One way of doing this is sharing personal information after the fact. Wait until the hard part has passed and you’ve processed it enough to speak about it objectively.
Consider the privacy of others
In sharing anything it’s helpful to questions who’s privacy you may be impacting on and before deciding to share it. For example, if you want to post photos of your kids on Instagram take a moment to think about their privacy and if they would choose to have those photos up. Or, if you want to tell a story about a negative hairdressing experience, first question what ‘naming and shaming’ might do for the hairdresser and if that’s the outcome you’re wanting.
What’s your intent
Share personal information can be really useful in business but only if the intent behind the sharing is to benefit others. If it’s to gain sympathy, build anger, shame others or it’s sharing for the sake of sharing then don’t do it. It will only result in people turning away from you.
Be confident in your choice
If you’ve decided to show up to the world with authenticity and vulnerability and you have done some self-reflection so you know that your intent is good but you still get negative feedback it can feel really disheartening. It can hurt. But here’s the thing. It is supposed to hurt. This is where you can decide not to accept their shame and not to shame yourself. Be confident that you’re authenticity will have resonated with someone and probably positively impacted others’ days.
Good luck x
About Rach Wheatley, Project: Breathe
Rach Wheatley is a proud mum and wife who juggles day care drop offs, collecting pretty things and getting sweaty via a range of fun/crazy fitness adventures. Rach loves working with women who want to live a more meaning life and thrives on helping women live out their life purpose by developing the business of their dreams. She does this through her business Project: Breathe. Her online business and blog provides consultation, workshops and tools to help women build a meaningful business and life.