Marisa Garra-Punshon has a passion for working with small business owners to help them create more cash in their business, increase their profits and grow their business with confidence. 

 She has been working with small businesses for over 15 years to help them empower them around their finances and, over the past 5 years has focused on implementing cloud based systems to increase cash flow, reduced bad debt and boost profits for hundreds of small businesses both in Australia and overseas. 


Her company Orbit Accounts wasone of the first in Australia to exclusively offer the implementation of cloud-based accounting and administrative solutions for small business and is well known in the industry for providing expert advice and training in Xero. She is currently consulting to Pure Bookkeeping to assist them get their Xero testing and training modules updated and online as well as provide support and mentoring to their licensees.   


40f22864-70b6-4edd-bd77-d790fdf3a54fIn 2014 Marisa decided to launch a sister entity, Miss Moneypenny Presents to help women in business understand their finances, increase their cash flow and create a profitable business. Over the 15 years working in small business finance she saw many create a business to follow their passion, but lack of financial knowledge, debtor management and planning resulted in many struggling to survive and often folding after a few years. As a women and mum in business herself she wanted to help empower other women to succeed and design a business that enabled them to reach their financial goals so they could be the designers of their own destiny. 

Miss Moneypenny Presents runs online training programs, a mastermind and one on one consulting. The signature online training program Making Money Made Sense teaches business owners strategies to efficiently increase their cash flow by creating more high value sales, formulating and planning increased net profits, fast tracking payment collections and implementing cloud based applications that lead to greater productivity and profits. 

In addition to teaching financial management and cloud software implementation Marisa also works with her clients to identify and implement strategies to help them reach their life goals and develop a mindset conducive to success.  Her passion for guiding and supporting people in this way led her, in 2014 to study to become a certified Dream Builder Coach through the Life Mastery Institute in the USA and then to work with MindPT to design a session to help women create and nurture a balance between being a mum and running a successful business. Her session Miss Moneypennys Business School sits among other MindPT sessions created by Bob Proctor, Marcy Cole, Gay Hendricks, Kristine Carlson and Sonia Ricotti to name a few. Furthermore Shawn Achor features MindPT as part of his program 21 Days To Happinessproduced and sold by Oprah Winfreys  HARPO Inc.

 On a personal note Marisa is a mum of two gorgeous teenage children, Connor and Mia, who she loves to bits and is so proud of! She lives by the sea in Melbourne and is a little obsessed with exercise and healthy living! She works hard to be the best mum she can and run a successful business but wouldn’t have it any other way.


You can find Marisa here:’s_business_school?source=757