This month we are exploring writing and editing. I will share possible ways to proceed successfully with these tasks, however it is important to note that many people find their own way to navigate their writing and editing process. I do hope that you take something positive away from reading this.

Writing : The process

I have worked with many authors and being an author myself I have realized that taking shortcuts is often not the best practice. When I began writing I was totally disillusioned about the process. I thought that when I wrote a book and that was the hard bit over! Well sorry to burst the bubble but it is just the beginning and that is why so many people don’t make it. There are plenty of people out there who can help you make your book be the best it can be at a high price but I feel that it is important for the author to be more involved in how their book evolves.

If you want to do it right it is important to follow the process.


Think : Get your thoughts down on paper and get creative.

Your book wants you to write it. Write down everything that you can think of and put it in some sort of order.

When I am writing a novel this is my time for jotting down potential chapters, then scenes and characters or content if you are writing self-help or non-fiction. I don’t stress if I feel it is not perfect at this stage my focus is on getting as much down as you can. If you need to do research, then this can be carried out during the preparation stage, but don’t limit yourself to this you may find out that researching is a running theme throughout.

Writing your book is really the action part of the writing process. You are getting words onto paper. I find a lot of authors worry at this stage. This is not the time for worry this is the time to get writing and see where your story brings you. If you need to check something out or come back to something highlight a note in red within your document and come back to it when you can.

So you now have your book written. What a great feeling it is you want to celebrate and shout to the world ‘I have written a book here it is.’ But it is important to be realistic and know that it is not ready to go out into the world quite yet. By all means post the exciting news on social media and share it with your loved ones that you have completed your first draft. You deserve to celebrate as you have completed something that many people abandon.

The next steps are what will separate you from the amateurs.

My advice is to put your book baby away for 2 weeks and then revisit it with a clear mind.


Editing is one of the most important aspects of completing your book. It can also be one of the most tedious stages. The level of editing required will depend on your actual writing skills. Even if you feel that you are not a good editor I advise that you go over your manuscript at least twice. Firstly, as a reader to check the flow of your book. Secondly, to fix up any typos and grammar issues.

Working through those stages is wonderful and has made your manuscript stronger. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this does not necessarily mean that your manuscript is ready to go to print. Staying positive throughout can sometimes be tough but it bears reflection on your work so it is important

It is important that you make your work the best that it can be so at this stage you can outsource a proofreading editor who will take a look at your work and advise on the level of editing required. There are quite a few amazing editors in the Ausmumpreneur Network who are trustworthy and will provide you with an honest assessment. Having a beta reader is always a great idea. They will want the best for your book and will invest their time and energy in providing feedback on content, flow and if they enjoyed your book. They will probably also create some anticipation for you on social media.

If you are intending on writing one book you may not feel the need to upskill your editing skills, however, if you do intend on writing more books it is a worthwhile investment.  Many of us feel time poor in this busy business world but my advice is not to cut corners on editing as it will come back and bite you.

My top editing tips are:

  • Go through your manuscript with different editing caps on.
  • Staying positive the editing process.
  • It’s great to find a way that works for you.
  • Be proud, all of your hard work will pay off.
  • Knowing that your book is the best it can be will provide you with the confidence needed to promote it and become a best seller with an abundance of 5 star reviews.

Next month I will be chatting about publishing your book – the easy way.

About our Ausmumpreneur Expert :

0681a9a5-3760-4628-a832-c58f1ef8860dKaren is founder of Serenity Press, a boutique publishing press based in Perth, WA that services clients with their established global distribution link. She is passionate that a publishing experience should be a positive one and likes to manage things at a personal level with her amazing team. 2015 was a big year for Serenity Press and 2016 is going to be amazing. Karen would love for you to join Serenity Press on their journey as they grow from strength to strength bringing amazing books to the world. Everyone has a story within themselves that deserves to be told.